Free/Themed post

 Hi! Today I not complete sure about what write, but have some ideas jjj, one actually, no some hahaha, is about a movie what I see a few days ago, the film in question is Spider Man Into The Spider Verse (2018).

The movie have a few time, actually I avoiled her for a long time because the superhero´s movie for me are very boring, but I happen a thing a little funny because DC a don´t like, but for me Batman is Batman, so I see their movies always, and in Marvel the same, I don´t like nothing but for me Spider Man is Spider Man haha, so I see their movies when I can.

So I see the movie a few days ago and I like soo much! The animation is awesome, because yes, is a animation movie, don´t write that. If we have posibility the see this movie do it, because is so great, although Marvel is very boring, to be honest this movie is veryvery good, and this is all I think right now, so... Cheers!

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  1. This movie is amazing! One of my favorites because of the animation. Like you, I'm not a fan of super hero movies haha.

  2. I saw this movie, it was amagazine, the animation was on a hole other level! I want to see the next one already!


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